China Blue Reviews
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The Heartbreak of Cheap Labor: China Blue, a heartbreaking and meticulous documentary about life inside a blue-jeans factory in China, reveals more than we may care to know…

Film Clips: The most heartbreaking, moving film in theaters right now is not “Babel,” “Letters From Iwo Jima” or “Little Children.” It is “China Blue,” a documentary about sweatshop workers …
Blue Jeans Diary Gets the Job Done: What if, when you stuck your hand into the pocket of a new pair of brand-name jeans, you pulled out a letter from one of the exploited workers who had slaved and sweated… Interview with Micha Peled: San Francisco based documentarian Micha X. Peled risked hide and hair to make his recent doc…
Students for a Free Tibet – blog entry: Peled’s film gains its power not from the shocking statistics of economic disparity and the extent to which sale prices in the west tangibly impact the working conditions for workers in China, but from the sensation of being placed alongside these young laborers in their daily lives… While bargain shoppers delight, few consumers will stop to consider just how those jeans got to be so cheap. When you see the documentary China Blue, you’ll understand…
Film Reviews: “Pic’s degree of access and intimacy is surprising, even more so when closing intertitles…