China Blue Stills

China Blue Home Production Stills Reviews Awards  Crew

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Workers demonstrate how much bigger their Western customers are. Photo by Chun Ya Chai

Supervisor keeps watch over Jasmine when she and co-workers have to work all night long to meet the tight delivery deadlines demanded by international retailers. Photo by Chun Ya Chai

The Bad Guy or just a survivor in the global economy? Mr.Lam, jeans factory owner: When Western buyers squeeze him for even lower prices, he in turn lowers his workers pay, which is already below China’s minimum wage. Photo by Chun Ya Chai

The round-the-clock schedule has Jasmine (17) and Li Ping (14) falling asleep right on their work piles during lunch break. Photo by Chun Ya Chai

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To avoid getting fined for falling asleep on the job, Jasmine (17) and Liping (14) use clothespins that keep their eyes open. A common practice in China’s export factories. Photo by Chun Ya Chai

Red Spring is 15. Normally she works 12-14 hour shifts, 7 days a week. She has vacation once a year, and if she’s saved enough she’ll go visit her family. Photo by Chun Ya Chai

Jasmine is leaving her Sichuan village for a factory job and a new life two-day travel away. She won’t be back home for more than a year. Photo by Chun Ya Chai